Friday, August 19, 2011

My new blog

I want to inform my all the readers that i have imported this blog to my new and improved blog " will not write on this blog anymore.Come to New blog.
Pradeep Sheoran

Thursday, August 18, 2011

No one Challenge this Ultimate Key to Success!(Motivation)

Hello ,Today i have got a ultimate idea in my mind and i want to share with you,It will change your life.For all the badminton players,lovers or athlete Motivation is the main problem.We all know that if stay motivated and focused on our aim,then we can definitely achieve anything we want.
I have written some post especially for motivation,like "motivational quotes" Different people do different to stay motivated but i have discovered a new technique for motivation,i gurantee that if you use this technique,you can not ever fail in your life ,This technique is completely mine ,so one another own this idea ,so i am going to tell you a  new experiment which can change your life into a new whole world of full of motivation and unbearable success.It's not only for badminton players ,it applies on every person It just needs a try .So here comes the experiment of the century :-

Just imagine you wanna be a badminton world champion like lee chong wei,Lin Dan,etc but then just a thought comes in your mind that you can't be like them ,you will try to satisfy yourself by telling your mind that ,lee chong and lin dan are like that because they got professional coaching form childhood,.You will think that there is millions of crowd our there playing badminton from childhood,then how can  i can become world champion and you will be disappointed and demotivated So here comes my idea gonna work,MY IDEA IS----------------

Just imagine,someone  kidnapped the person who you love more than your life like father,mother,sister,etc and he put a condition in front of you that you that you have to beat this(anybody)person in badminton match in just 2 months , or You have to clear the exam of IIT or IAS in First Attempt otherwise i will kill your relative and you  know practically how much difficult it is
    Now you just tell me Honestly can't you do what he said
*Can't you beat that person in 2 months?
*Can't you clear the exam?
.I don't know what you feel but i am telling what i feel if such a situation comes in front of me then i am damn sure that i can do,Although i will try to beat that person in just 1 month,Isn't is realistic ?
So just create such a situation in your mind and the success will be yours, i know is to hard to imagine such a condition in mind but it is not impossible,Remember these quotes in mind ,Just try :-
*Nothing Is impossible
*Impossible is an opinion .not a fact.
*Victory is always possible for the person who refuse to stop fighting.
*If we want to achieve the results never accomplished we must expect to employ methods never attempted.
*Don't Limit Your Challenge ,Challenge Your Limits.
I have written many more motivational quotes in my posts,read them daily.

Share what you think?
Pradeep Sheoran

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lee chong wei Coaching Classes

There is a good news for all the badminton lovers especially Malaysians that Lee Chong Wei is going to open his Coaching Academy .

I thing everyone is known with world no.1 lee chong wei,,(Malaysia).Last year when lee came to my country INDIA for playing All India Open Tournament  in Delhi and As usual he wins.
At that time My friend Shiddharth (Junior national badminton champion) went to saw the match .After watching match he meet lee chong wei and asked about his future planning ,Lee said that he will start to give coaching in next few years in Malaysia.

In My older post i  have written about an interview with Lee Chong Wei .Click here to read.
"Lee Chong Wei Interview"
Pradeep Sheoran

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Use age as motivation not an excuse!

Do you think badminton or any other sports like athletes have a proper age to to play,
In badminton after 28 or 30 age  players are unable to beat the young blood ,you acknowledge that with age comes decreased performance. It's the body's natural way of slowing down.If you think like that ,then sorry you are wrong this time,today i am going to tell you the secrete of winning over your age,I also have explained about age myths  in "perfect-age-to-start-badmintion"and "age matters" so come to the point,-

It is also true ,As we get older, the rate of cell division slows down and some tissues begin to perform less efficiently. There is a loss of elasticity, both in the skin and in ligaments. There is a decline in the maximum heart rate and in maximum power output ,so you some questions i mind like
-What performance should we expect at a certain age?
-What can we do to reverse the process?

Don't Worry it is hard but possible to remain at international level even after 40,with the right kind of training and nutrition ,for witness:-
-Eamonn Coghlan's sub-four-minute miles
-Al Oerter's Record in discus
-42 years old Podkopayeva 's victories at 1500 metre
-The World's best for a marathon at the age of 50 stnads 2:11
I think this is enough to tell the difference between age and endurance,dedication and motivation

Always remember three things-

1.There is no reason  to stop purely because of age ,because the age is very gradual.The perfect training and some good conditions can make you improve on last year's times.
2.One cannot train with the intensity of a young athlete because the rate of regeneration is not as fast. You have to find the intensity and the frequency of hard training that you can tolerate.
3.It will probably become necessary, if you seriously want to stay as fit and healthy as possible, to work on your weak points. Muscular strength, flexibility and mobility decline without the right exercise
Let's have a look on some unbelievable  facts-
# A 70-year-old weight-lifter is stronger than the average 30-year-old
# The 70-year-old marathon runner will easily outrun the majority of 30-year-olds.
# The ballet dancer of 70 is more flexible than the average young adult.

SO i think you have understand that  people owe their achievements not to the fact that they were outstanding when they were younger but to the fact that they have continued to practice the activity.
                    Never think that you he is better than you because he is younger and you are old,he is on the top because of his continous hard work and dedication to his game.
Pradeep Sheoran

Monday, August 15, 2011

Where,When and How to Smash?

Smash is the most powerful shot played in badminton.Today i will tell you how to smash,only strength in hands and shoulders is not enough you should have movement in your hands.

 How to smash:-
 Basic Tips-
-Should Have a proper grip
-One way to get angle is to use more wrist action.
-Always try to hit the shuttle as high as possible.
Proper Way-
-Get into position behind and beneath the shuttle.
-Point your non-racquet shoulder toward your opponent and shift your weight onto your back  foot.
-Hold both arms up. Hold your non-racquet arm out in front of you for balance, and your racquet arm up behind you with your elbow bent 90 degrees and your wrist cocked. The racquet head should be behind your shoulders.
-Reach up for the shuttle, jumping off your back leg and transferring your weight to your forward foot.
-Strike the shuttle as high as you can reach it, while it is still out in front you.
-Snap your wrist, as you contact the shuttle at least three or four feet above the net level and in front of your body.
-Hit the shuttle with a closed racquet face.

Where To Smash-

1. ,When you get a high lift from opponent ,smash on his body strongly then don't smash again on his body,,if you do this, he can place the shuttle anywhere he want ,so play the cross-court smash,he will be just unreturnable to your smash.

2.When you get a high lift from opponent ,smash on his body strongly,If he returns again high ,play a weak and slow smash just near the service line,I tried this and get the results i have never got.

3.Sometimes ,if your opponent easily lifts your smashes ,then try some Half smashes

When To Smash-
-The general rule of thumb is that every time you are about to smash, ask yourself whether your smash will make your opponent lose a point.
If you REALLY think so, GO AHEAD!
-DO NOT SMASH unless you are confident that the smash will help you win a point or at least do some 'damage' to your opponent.

1.Concentrate on footwork because smash low downs your footwork.
2.Should create a better angle when play from rear court.
3.Firstly,Concentrate on technique of smashing and then speed and power of smash,in start play some soft smashes and then go and on .on
4.Always remember to make use of your non-racket arm to help you maintain body balance.
5.Do not play smash every time,DO NOT execute a smash unless you're confident that your smash will be a strong one.
Pradeep Sheoran

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Badminton Half Smah

You have listen about forehand smash ,backhand smash , jump smash ,cross-court smash , down the line  smash but have you listen about half smash?.I have learned Half Smash from dinesh(Dabbu),Charkhi Dadri
 Learn what i know, here it is:-

1.Half smash mostly played from rear court to front court but you can also play from mid court to front court.
2.Your contact point when smashing should be high as it can be.
3.Don't impart force from shoulders,play just with knee power
4.Bend your Knee With Slightly angle very quickly as you can.
5.Remember don't bend your knees too much
6.Don't let your opponent know that you are going to play half smash.
7.It it necessary to strong your knees ,do exercises for knees.

So,It is what i learned today and  i shared with you, and you all know practice makes a man perfect so practice more and more to be master in this shot.
Pradeep Sheoran

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Jump Smash

As we all know and see during matches mostly points are earned with powerful jump smashes.So it necessary to play.I have been playing badminton from 10 years and after concerning with many of my frds and searching on net ,i will tell you the best way to improve jump smash,So here it it:-

FITNESS-The first need of jump smash is physical should have enough strength in your legs to jump.There are several exercises to improve jump smash like sprint(Most Effective),Jump and touch as high you can,Put you both hand on your head and jump,in this your knees should come to the chest.,
Do skipping,frog jump and many more exercises you can find on you tube.

TECHNIQUE-Only Fitness is not enough ,you should know how to jump,when to jump and how to land.
Get behind the bird, jump at the right time and complete a good, near perfect rotation in the air.In the beginning,1 or 2,3 weeks may be your jump timing don't work but don't give up,after some time you will automatically start to jumping at perfect time ,i am telling you this because i have experienced this.
*The key is to jump up is that the non-racquet shoulder towards the shuttle as usual and  then bend both your knees back -- but keep your thighs fairly straight pointing down -- and then simultaneously start the body rotation and perform the arm swing and  straighten your knees fast.
*Hold your raquet behind your head in your normal (pre-swing) position - execute a variety of jump smashes this way.

When you play jump smash in singles ,you should play cross-court to see better results.The more you practice,the more perfect you will be.

1) Keep your opponents from attacking your attacks, because if it's powerful enough, they should have quite some trouble driving it back, due to the trajectory and speed, as well as the mental fear.
2) Having a good smash prevents your opponents from attacking your drops, as they will tend not to rush, fearing that you'll just whack their face off with a good smash.
3) Good jump on the smash can get you a very good angle and force them to lift. Good power on the smash can get you a weaker lift. Have both of these and you'll get more chances to smash and finish it off. Also, if you can get a good angle, you'll also make them bend and crouch for them, which also requires energy.

When you play jump smash in singles ,you should play cross-court to see better results.The more you practice,the more perfect you will be.
Pradeep Sheoran

Friday, August 12, 2011

Great Motivation Quotes

1.Start By doing what necessary;then do what possible;and suddenly you are doing impossible.

2.If you have courage to start,you have courage to succeed.

3.If you want to make life easy,make it hard.

4.Don't blame your circumstances ,Find the right one's ,if the are not ,make them.

5.Your actions have value far greater than silver/gold.

6.Nothing Great in the world has been accomplished without passion.

7.The greatst sin is to think yourself weak.

8.Always think.i am born to play badminton.

9.Fear is one of the worst enemies.

10.Don't give up ,thinks will give you up!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Warm up is MUST

All the badminton players warm up is must.Warm up protects your body from injuries and avoid pains of muscles.So Knowing about warm up exercises is must so here are some important warm up exercises.
1.Run Slowly but continously for 3-5 minutes.
3.Streching(Very Important)
4.Round the waist
5.Round the wrist
7.Touch your Toes
8.Round your both knees at a time
9.Move one leg up and both hand crossed-fingured round
10.Up and down
11.Be like a chair
12.Touch your knees  to chest by holding with hand
13.Do wall practice for 10 minutes
I think these exercises are enough for your body to make warm. For more check out the video.
Pradeep Sheoran

Friday, July 15, 2011

Top 5 Women Single's Low Serve Returns

Your hole rally depends on your return of serve if you didn't return well ,you will get the Lighting Fast Smash That won't be coming back. Do care it today i will show the top 5 low serve return ,i hope they will be helpful to you

I hope you like my work
Prdeep Sheoran

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Factors affect Career

As we all know it's too hard to build a good career in badminton so i am going to tell you about factors affecting your Career Think about them and see your progress-
-Training Partner
-What time of the year you were born 

-Support group - parents etc
-Where you live
-Age you start at
-Other sports you pursue from young age
-Decisions you make related to badminton

Lots of people ask "if I play 3 times a week for a year how long will it take me to achieve x and y..."
"If I start at age 15 can I be national player..."

These are pointless questions.

People also say "I've lost motivation, I normally beat him, I was good but got injured, I don't get the training they do in China/Denamrk/the next school..., my coach is not good, my partners are bad...." Not interested in your excuses, pointless.

What matters is what you do today, do you do what you can as best you can. It doesn't really matter if its enough, if its the best thing to do, if its perfect, if you started late, if you're not as good, if you are very motivated to be champion or lost your motivation. Just start....

Have a goal to be world champion even if you started at 15.
So Problem comes in everyone's life ,may be you don't have all the resources ,but if you wanna be a professional player so learn to use the maximum of resources available to you

It is said "Two points define your success
1.How do you manage when you have nothing
2.How do you behave when you have something

Pradeep Sheoran

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The perfect age to start Badmintion

There is quote says " if there's is a will then there's a way". Indeed if the will constitutes continuous hard effort and determination, the way to reach that desire goal can be achieve. In relating this to Badminton, if you train very hard continuously every day, every week with high level of self discipline and determination, no doubt you can improve the way you play and upgrade yourself to become a much better player.

One must understand that learning badminton, similarly like learning other sports has its own learning curvature. You don't simply be a National level player out of nowhere at Day 1 playing badminton because to be at such level, the learning curvature need to start somewhere first before progressing into such level of performance. The outcome for such performance also involves other important factors such as your physicality hence influences your fitness. That's why the younger you start  but due to the fact that the room for technique improvements fusing together with the improvements of physicality is a lot, therefore if the player train very hard earlier e.g 7 +, the chance to reach its peak performance earlier e.g 17 + thus representing the national level is very high.

One must understand also, there is some level of process involved to be at such level and like in Malaysia, you start competing at a district level to represent your district first and then while representing your district, you need to compete at the state level to represent your state. While playing for your state, you then again compete at the national level to be a National player. Even you are born to be so talented in badminton but you're not exposed to such level of competition, then no badminton association will know you and its impossible to be a National player.

Therefore even though age doesn't matters,your efforts and self discipline matter, if your correlate the above fact with your aim to be a World Champion, unless at  age you are now currently among the best players in this World, then its unlikely you can achieve it. Nevermine, you don't need to be a World Champion unless at this present point of time you can beat LCW, LD etc, at your current productive age, you still can train very hard and try to achieve something with badminton regardless at what level of competition.

 So the conclusion is this you can should start at 7+ but if you have strong will power you can start at 17+ too
but you have to work hard day and night.It's will be "do and die" situation  for you at 17.
Pradeep Sheoran

What to do when loose points during rally?

#1 rule. You give your 100% until the game is complete.
#2 Rule. The game is only complete when the final point has been played.


*In badminton the most important point is???
The next one.
So if u lose a point too bad move on to the next 1. Don't even think about it its gone its done. Yes you can recap and think ok hes pushing me around i have gotta gain control and move him around more.
But never go among ......i'm losing....i just lost the point now the 3 behind
your 3 behind ...more like only 3 more points till i'm winning.
become more positive and confident in yourself and your game and you will be fine.

*Always put 100% into every point. Dont' think about scores, but about winning the rally at hand. Don't ever let up because who knows, your opponent could go from 20-0 to 20-22 if you don't make sure you're in control at all times.

*Just Close your eyes and say something to yourself
-He is just a human like nothing more
-I'M born to win
-I must give him a good fight

* After trying this what to do when all goes wrong during match,answer is here
  • Find your opponent doesn't like or respond well to i.e.change in pace(fast or slow),if he good at attack,play him at net more
  • Use the element of surprise,add confusions i.e.flicking.make yourself unpredictable
  • Take Chances

Tell me what you do when you loose points
Pradeep Sheoran

Monday, July 11, 2011

Age matters?

Today i am going to tell you about age.You will have lots of questions about age
At what age i should start?
Have i late to play badminton professionally?
I have the answer .
                Basically is it the best as early as you start to play badminton like at the age of 5,6or7.Lin dan started at the age of 6 .But lee chong wei (world's champion) Started at 11.Peter gade at 13.Mostly start around 10 or 12 .Now the question arises if you are 16,17or 18.can you think about badminton as a career.Most of the coaches and senior players will suggest you not to choose badminton as a career but in my opinion they are all wrong you can start at 18 even and can be world champion if you have strong will power and continous hard efforts.Nothing is impossible.It is said by Swami Vivekanand "EVEN MAN DOESN'T KNOW HIS FULL POTENTIAL"
       You need dedication and self discipline to achieve your targets .Here age doesn't matters,what matters ,your will power to do efforts.You need a high level of motivation to do this.To stay motivated read the stories of most exceptional people in world ,read motivational quotes everyday.Stay Positive always and do meditation.
So in the last i will say age doesn't matters,your efforts and self discipline matters ,It up to you what you think
Share your views and opinion with me.
Pradeep Sheoran

Friday, July 8, 2011

Badminton Dictionary

There are lots of words used in badminton,which you don't know so today i will explain every word of badminton:
  • Baseline: It is the back boundary line, which is parallel to the net and farthest from it.
  • Short service line: It is a line 1.98m from the net, serve must reach this line.
  • Long service line: The line, which the serve should not cross, to be legal is called the long service line. The base line  serves as the long service line for the singles play and 0.76m inside the baseline serves as the long service line for doubles.
  • Center line: It is a line running perpendicular to the net from the short service line to the baseline dividing the court into equal left and right service courts.
  • Side line: It is the outer boundary line beyond which the shuttle should not fall to be considered legal. The side line for doubles is 0.46m outer to the singles side line.
  • Fore- court: It is the area of the court between the net and the short service line.
  • Mid- court:It is the area between the short service line and the long service line for doubles.
  • Back court: It is the rear third of the court containing the two back boundary lines.
  • Back alley: It is that area of the court between the two back boundary lines.Also called back gallery.
  • Side alley: It is area of the court between the two side lines.(Side gallery)
  • Court: The play area, measuring 13.4m by 6.1m, and defined by boundary lines.
  • Racquet: or racket. It is the equipment used by the player to hit the shuttlecock. It weighs 90 grams  and is 680mm  long. It is generally made of metal alloys.
  • Shuttlecock: or the shuttle is the object that the players hit back and forth across the net. It consists of 16 goose or duck feathers embedded in a cork base covered with leather.
  • Net: The net is the barrier tied across the center of the court dividing it into two equal halves, each measuring 6.71m by 6.1m. The net is 1.55m high at its center.
  • Clear: It is the basic stroke of badminton. It is played to the opponent's back court.
  • Drop: A shot played with soft hands and with finesse to land the shuttle swiftly and close to the net on the opponent's side.
  • Smash: It is the most attacking shot in badminton. It is an overhead shot which brings the shuttle down from a height at a steep angle.
  • Drive: A fast and flat shot that travels horizontally over the net.
  • Push: A gentle shot played with little wrist action from the fore or mid court and falls in the opponent's mid- court.
  • Kill: The Shot played to end the rally.
  • Feint: A deceptive movement meant to confuse the opponent regarding the player's intended direction, choice or speed of shot.
  • Throw: An illegal act wherein the shuttle is held on the racket and then thrown during the shot.
  • Fault: Any violation of the playing rules in serving, receiving or during rally.
  • Let: A legal stoppage of play when Player is not ready.
  • Wood shot: In this shot the shuttle hits the frame of the racket. Once considered illegal, the International badminton federation in 1963 endorsed this shot.
Pradeep Sheoran

Friday, July 1, 2011

How to be a professional badminton player-3(court Skills)

Only fitness and fluid moment is not enough to be a professional badminton .you should have perfect court skills .Today i will explain you about how to improve court skills.Court skills means deception.accuracy and consistency.
Deception-In order to be deceptive, you have to keep your opponents guessing. Basic preparations for executing shots are all the same. You will discover that the angle of the racket face, speed of the racket head and point of the impact can be changed to create deception. Of course there's a need for experience.
Deceptive Lifts :-
  • Hold and flick(The basic idea is to play your lifts with a very short hitting action. Your preparation should look the same as a net shot, and you should hold this posture as long as you can.)
  • Reversing the hold-and-flick(As an occasional variation, you can reverse this deception by making a larger swing—as though playing a lift—before slowing down your racket movement and playing a net shot. The downside is that your net shot will be less accurate; the upside is that, because this deception is less common, it’s more surprising)
  • Double motion(For example, you can start a racket swing in a cross-court direction, before withdrawing the racket and quickly playing a straight shot instead (bending back the wrist to help achieve the straight angle.)
  • Slicing your lifts(This is technically very difficult, but it can produce spectacular results. As with double motion, sliced lifts are used to mislead your opponent about the direction of the shot; but they can be more deceptive, because they use an uninterrupted swing.)
Accuracy-In order to gain accuracy, you need to have good footwork, technique and also fitness. You can develop shot accuracy through multi-shuttle drills. You have to hit a lot of shuttles toward the same spot on the other side of the court.In a match, an accurate and consistent performance will give you an advantage when you are under pressure. The advantage refers to driving your opponent to commit unforced errors and making wrong decisions first.

Consistency -Before hitting the shots accurately, you need to have the consistency first. Consistency can be defined as keeping the shots simple and safe over the net. In order to be consistent, frequent and repetitive practice of a technique is needed. Understand the techniques first before gaining the skills.
Try to repeat the shots again and again until you master it. Soon, no one would dare to have a match with you.
Pradeep Sheoran

Monday, June 27, 2011

How to be a Professional badminton player-2(Fluid Moment)

Fluid movement consists of good footwork, sharp reflexes and good anticipation. It is this combination that produces quick movements and sharp smashes executed in an effortless way that are simply fascinating and deadly enough to score loads of points.These three aspects of fluid movements form the foundation of a professional badminton player.
*Good Footwork-Having good footwork Means reaching the shuttle early.In Badminton, you do not run. This could be a deceiving statement since badminton is considered the fastest racket sports.Footwork consists skip, shuffle, bounce, glide, chasse step or combination of these steps.Having solid footwork would easily take you towards any direction on court in 2 steps. You don't have to fumble all over the court.
How To improve-
*Skip for at least 10 minutes a day.(quickest way to develop agility)
*Watch recordings of professional players and study and emulate their footwork.
*Practice shadow badminton exercises so you can move based on instinct.
*Place shuttlecocks on their sides at each corner of the court . Then, move as quickly as possible.
*Come in heel first on your racket foot when lunging forward to the net.
*Move back fast on your first step after your lunge, but slow down on your final step.
*Play half-court singles.
*Practice hard and play hard. You will improve.

* Sharp Reflexes-Sharp reflexes can be defined as a reaction of the body that is produced automatically and instinctively in response to a stimulus. For example, when you put your finger on the hot kettle, your finger will automatically withdraw from the kettle quickly due to natural reflex. In badminton,sharp reflexes are needed in order to move quickly.
How To improve-
*Overspeed Training
*Improving Voluntary Quickness
*Take gymnastics
*Keep in shape; retain your skills
*Find Reaction Games Online(You can find them
*Practice, practice, practice. This will take time, but you should notice improvements.

* Good Anticipation- Anticipation is the ability to sense what is happening in a split second before others can and to react quickly. By reacting earlier, one gains a decisive advantage.In order to have good anticipation in Badminton, experience is the key. You can develop anticipation when you have mastered the skills to play the game.
How To improve-
*Listen Fast Music

Pradeep Sheoran

Sunday, June 26, 2011

How to be a Professional badminton player-1(Fitness)

Fitness-It is said that "The better you want to be the fitter you need to be".Professional players have an extra ordinary fitness level.The first step of badminton player is to be excellent in  three aspects-

Strength:-Strength can be defined as your ability to produce a force that is generated from directing your body as well as the racket head towards hitting the shuttlecock. The power of the shots depends on muscle efficiency.The most efficient way to improve strength is to do weight Training.I have described about the weight training exercises in my another post.The training to build the strength for badminton should not be geared too much towards body building. A too muscular body can cause stiffness which limits the range of your body movements in the game.If you want to make progress, you must always try and increase the resistance you're using. To improve, you need to continually increase either the weight you are lifting, or the number of repetitions you perform with a certain weight.f you always train using 6-8 repetitions, try 8-12 repetitions, or even higher (20 or more). This is a great way to "shake up" your training and force your muscles to adapt in a different way.
*Change your routine every 3-4 weeks. Even if it's just using dumbbells instead of barbells.
Exercises-resistant sidestepping, crouching medicine ball jumps , medicine ball lunges pull-ups push-ups


Speed:-The definition of speed is the ability to move your whole body from one place to another in the shortest possible time. In all the sports, athletes need speed to be faster than their opponent to win the game.
Sprinting is the best method to improve speed. Nowadays, speed plays a major role to win the game especially in the 21 points rally system. Gaining speed is vital in becoming a victorious player.
*To build speed, you have to build up endurance first. There is no speed without endurance.
*Step one to building up speed is to start running up hills.
*speed play, is variable-pace running that emphasizes creativity. During a 30-minute run, choose objects to run to telephone poles, trees, buildings, other runners, whatever.
* On a track, run quickly for about 15 seconds every time you start a straightaway, then ease off and jog the rest of the straightaway and the turn before beginning another 15-second stride.

*Take part in races.

Stamina:-Stamina is the ability to sustain a high level of performance over a long period of time. To achieve it, it requires discipline and consistency in training.Jogging and endurance training increases our stamina.
We should have the stamina that insists your opponent to play risky or wrong shot in lack of stamina..

*Weight training
*Running Briskly
*Endurance Training

Pradeep Sheoran

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Today i am telling you about badminton smash.Smash is various types like forehand smash,backhand smash,jump smash,down the line smash etc.A smash is the most power shot played in the badminton,it can be played at the speed up to 400km/h..Just imagine if you smash at 400km/h in your opponent court,will he able to return it,on my view absolutely not,so how to smash-

1.Position-You need to get your feet in proper position
.This means move your feet fast, it’s vital that you get in to the best position possible before you attempt to hit the shot, so this means getting those feet moving quickly which you can most easily do by staying on the balls of your feet when the shuttle is in play, NOT on your heels.Use a wide sideways stance with the rear foot parallel to the back line.

2.Shoulders-Position your shoulders and arms correctly
 As you’re moving your feet in to position you also need to begin setting your shoulders in readiness to hit the shot.You do this by raising your Non racket arm towards the shuttle and dropping your racket shoulder a little to create a position with the shoulders and elbows in a line looking over the front arm.Your racket arm should be bent at the elbow with your wrist cocked.

3.Weight- Transfer your weight on to your back leg
 Pushing off the back foot and twisting your body towards your opponent, straightening your knees at the same time. Your hips should move before shoulders, not after.Reach the shuttle at highest point as you can reach.

Basic Precautions-

*Relax your grip on racket before contact to shuttle,because it's hard to flick your wrist fast if your forearm is tense.

*Land with a wide legs, placing the non racket foot down and then the racket foot in quick succession.

Pradeep Sheoran

Top 5 Aerobics Exercise,running,skipping,Cycling,swimming)

Aerobics Exercises are those exercises which sustain for longer duration and involve large muscles. An aerobic exercise mainly strengthens your cardio respiratory system. Other than this, these exercises are the most effective means to burn more calories and to lose more weight.
Fitness expert says it includes all the muscles of our body.It is beneficial for heart and circulatory system . Let's go to know more about them.

1.Walking-It is the easiest aerobic exercise,which can be done by any age member.It is done with various intensities.There are two main types of walking: speed walking and race walking. These are the walking techniques used by the professional walkers. The race walking rule is that the toe of the back foot should not leave the ground until the heel of front foot comes in contact with the ground

Benefit-The major benefit of walking is that it can be performed by any age group and the risk of injury is very low.

2.Swimming-Swimming, a recreational activity can be included in a fitness regimen. In fact, it is one of the most popular workouts. It is an excellent form of aerobic exercise as it involves the entire body workout. Due to water buoyancy, it places very mild stress on the joints making it a preferable workout for the elderly and the arthritic individuals.Swimming helps in weight reduction as well as in toning and strengthening of the muscles.
Benefit-It Involves entire body workout and it is fun too.

3.Running-It falls under the category of high impact aerobic activity. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, ACSM, many significant health benefits can be achieved by going from a sedentary level to a minimal level of physical activity.However if your goal is to build muscle mass running is not recommended.Professional long-distance runners are tinny guys so you will have to make the decision for yourself if your goal is to burn fat or to gain muscle mass.
Benefit-Running reduces the risk of heart attacks, by strengthening the heart and lowering blood pressure,improve general health,raises HDL, reduces the risk of blood clots and strokes.

4.Skipping-Skipping is an excellent form of exercise that requires minimal equipment - just a skipping rope! It is a low impact activity compared to running and carries a very low risk of injury. Skipping mainly targets the calves, shoulders, thighs and hips.Jumping from side to side targets the inner thighs and jumping forwards and back (bell jump) increases the working out of the front thighs.
Benefit- It will improve cardio-respiratory fitness(stamina),flexibility,co-ordination,balance,rhythm and symmetry.Increase level of calcium,build bones and tonning thighs and have mental benefits

5.Cycling-In the earlier days, it was used as a main form of transportation. In the recent times, cycling has been explored as a highly effective aerobic workout. It is a low impact aerobic workout. If done with proper posture and technique, it does not stress the back or any other joints. It is also useful in rehabilitation areas. It can be done outdoor as well as indoor.
Benefit-Minimizes the risk of coronary heart diseases.It assure trimmer and toned muscles.Build stamina,get rid of increased waistline and bulging fat,controls the level of blood pressure and it is pleasure too.
pradeep sheoran

Friday, June 24, 2011

Lin Dan
Lin Dan born October 14, 1983 in Longyan, Fujian.Height-5'10 ,weight-70 kg.By the age of 27, Lin completed the "Super Grand Slam", having won all major titles in world badminton,becoming the first and only player to achieve this feat.He has been nicknamed "Super Dan" by his fans.Although he is my idol.
* He started to play badminton when he was just five.He joined the china national badminton at the age of 18.
*Lin has been in a romantic relationship with Xie Xingfang.They were quietly married on December 13, 2010 in Haizhu, Guangzhou.
*Lin dan has 43 Titles and 19 runner-up.

Lin Dan is a left-handed player whose most defining characteristic is his ability to attack with fast smashes at steep angles. He combines quick movements around the court with the ability to maintain long aggressive rallies to win the majority of his matches. He relies on diving to retrieve his opponents attacking shots with an exceptionally fast recovery. His well built physique helps him to produce powerful straight and cross court jump smashes, and his fast penetrating footwork makes him one of the toughest active badminton players in the open circuit. At one time he was criticized for a lack of precision or refinement, especially when compared to competitors such as Taufik Hidayat and Peter Gade. However, Lin now occasionally uses deceiving wrist movements and employs a wider variety of shots, developing into a more complete player
*2001 marked the start of Lin's professional career.
*In 2002 Lin took his first title at the Korea Open.
*Lin started the 2003 season with a third round defeat in the All England Open.
*Lin had a good start to 2004, earning the BWF's number one world ranking for the first time in February.
*Lin retained his number one world ranking during 2005, winning his second German and Hong Kong Open titles, as well as the Japan Open, China Masters, and World Cup tournaments.
*2006,Lin started the season by reaching the semifinals of the German Open, and had a same result in China Masters and China Open.
*Lin Dan entered 2007 with a loss to South Korea's Park Sung-hwan in the round of 16 at the Malaysia Open. A week later he captured the Korea Open by defeating Chinese teammate Chen Jin in the final.
*2008,Lin started the season with a defeat in the final of the Korea Open to Lee Hyun-il.
 *2009,In March, Lin won his fourth All England title by defeating Lee Chong Wei, in only his first appearance since November 2008, but lost to the same opponent in the final of Swiss Open a week later.
 *2010,Lin started the season with failure to defend the All England Open title by losing in the quarterfinals,and had another quarterfinals exit in the Swiss Open.

2011,Lin began the year with a withdrawal in the Malaysia Open's quarterfinals, which marked his third withdrawal in a row since late 2010.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lee Chong Wei Interview

Today I am going to tell you about the World's No.1 Lee Chong Wei (21 October,1982).In his early years, Lee favoured basketball, however his mother soon banned him from that activity due to the searing heat of the outdoor basketball court.On November 3, 2006, Lee was involved in a car accident. On his way to Bukit Jalil after dinner, he was knocked from behind by a vehicle which had lost control after a tire burst. He was then sent to the Sunway Medical Centre and treated with six stitches for his head injury.
Lee received RM300,000 on August 21, 2008, as a reward for his silver medal effort in the 2008 Olympic Games. Also, he received RM3,000 a month as a lifetime pension beginning in August 2008.

1.What age he(Lee Chong Wei) Started playing?
Ans-He (lee)Started from the age of 11 years old.

2.Was his attention to be a professional player from the starting?
Ans-Actually it wasn't his attention at start,his father trained and encouraged him for badmitnon.

3.When did he started playing nationals?
Ans-At the age of 17, after winning lot of local tournaments.

4.Did he played doubles ever?
Ans-No,He didn't consider playing doubles.Although he is the hero of singles,why to play doubles.

5.His Career highlight?
Ans-When he took the BWF rating world number 1.

6.His Idols?
Ans-Sun jun(One of the world champion)

7.Tournaments he wants to win?
Ans-Olympics and world championship.Because no other malaysians have won these 2 tournaments.

8.His most difficult Opponent?
Ans-Lin Dan

9.His friends.?
Ans-Taufik hidayat and Kuan Beng hong

10.Doe He consider being a professional badminton player a rewarding carrer?
Ans-It's quite good,nothing to complain about it(Said by Lee chong wei)

11.His Acheivments?
Ans-37 Titles and 17 runner-ups.

Outcome Year Tournament Opponent in final Score
1 2011 Malaysia Open Grand Prix Gold (3) People's Republic of China Bao Chunlai 21–9, 21–19
1 2011 India Open Denmark Peter Gade 21–12, 12–21, 21–15
1 2011 All England Open (2) People's Republic of China Lin Dan 21–17, 21–17
2 2011 Korea Open People's Republic of China Lin Dan 19–21, 21–14, 16–21
1 2011 Malaysia Open (7) Indonesia Taufik Hidayat 21–8, 21–17
1 2010 Super Series Masters Finals (3) Denmark Peter Gade 21–9, 21–14
1 2010 Hong Kong Open (2) Indonesia Taufik Hidayat 21–19, 21–9
2 2010 Asian Games People's Republic of China Lin Dan 13–21, 21–15, 10–21
1 2010 Commonwealth Games (2) England Rajiv Ouseph 21–10, 21–8
1 2010 Japan Open (2) People's Republic of China Lin Dan 22–20, 16–21, 21–17
1 2010 Macau Open (2) South Korea Lee Hyun-il No match
1 2010 Malaysia Open Grand Prix Gold (2) Malaysia Wong Choong Hann 21–8, 14–21, 21–15
1 2010 Indonesia Open (3) Indonesia Taufik Hidayat 21–19, 21–8
1 2010 All England Open (1) Japan Kenichi Tago 21–19, 21–19
1 2010 Malaysia Open (6) Thailand Boonsak Ponsana 21–13, 21–7
1 2010 Korea Open Denmark Peter Gade 21–12, 21–11
1 2009 Super Series Masters Finals (2) South Korea Park Sung-hwan 21–17, 21–17
1 2009 Hong Kong Open (1) Denmark Peter Gade 21–13, 13–21, 21-16
1 2009 Macau Open (1) Malaysia Wong Choong Hann 21–15, 21–19
1 2009 Malaysia Open Grand Prix Gold (1) People's Republic of China Chen Long 21–16, 21–9
1 2009 Indonesia Open (2) Indonesia Taufik Hidayat 21–9, 21–14
1 2009 Swiss Open (2) People's Republic of China Lin Dan 21–16, 21–16
2 2009 All England Open People's Republic of China Lin Dan 19–21, 12–21
2 2009 Korea Open Denmark Peter Gade 18–21, 21–10, 17–21
1 2009 Malaysia Open (5) South Korea Park Sung-hwan 21–14, 21–13
1 2008 Super Series Masters Finals (1) Denmark Peter Gade 21–8, 21–16
2 2008 China Open People's Republic of China Lin Dan 18–21, 9–21
2 2008 Macau Open Indonesia Taufik Hidayat 19–21, 15–21
2 2008 Japan Open Indonesia Sony Dwi Kuncoro 17–21, 11–21
2 2008 Olympic Games People's Republic of China Lin Dan 12–21, 8–21
1 2008 Singapore Open Indonesia Simon Santoso 21–13, 21–5
2 2008 Swiss Open People's Republic of China Lin Dan 13–21, 18–21
1 2008 Malaysia Open (4) South Korea Lee Hyun-il 21–15, 11–21, 21–17
2 2007 Hong Kong Open People's Republic of China Lin Dan 21–9, 15–21, 15–21
2 2007 China Open People's Republic of China Bao Chunlai 12–21, 13–21
1 2007 French Open People's Republic of China Bao Chunlai 21–11, 21–14
1 2007 Japan Open (1) Indonesia Taufik Hidayat 22–20, 19–21, 21–19
1 2007 Philippines Open People's Republic of China Chen Hong 21–9, 21–15
1 2007 Indonesia Open (1) People's Republic of China Bao Chunlai 21–15, 21–16
2 2006 Hong Kong Open People's Republic of China Lin Dan 19–21, 21–8, 16–21
2 2006 Macau Open People's Republic of China Lin Dan 18–21, 21–18, 18–21
2 2006 Chinese Taipei Open People's Republic of China Lin Dan 18–21, 21–12, 11–21
1 2006 Malaysia Open (3) People's Republic of China Lin Dan 21–18, 18–21, 23–21
1 2006 Asian Badminton Championships Thailand Boonsak Ponsana 21–12, 21–16
1 2006 Commonwealth Games (1) Malaysia Wong Choong Hann 21–13, 21–12
1 2006 Swiss Open (1) People's Republic of China Xia Xuanze 15–8, 15–0
1 2005 Denmark Open Malaysia Muhammad Hafiz Hashim 17–14, 15–8
1 2005 Malaysia Open (2) People's Republic of China Lin Dan 17–15, 9–15, 15–9
1 2004 Chinese Taipei Open Malaysia Kuan Beng Hong 15–4, 15–10
2 2004 Singapore Open Denmark Kenneth Jonassen 15–17, 4–15
1 2004 Malaysia Open (1) South Korea Park Sung-hwan 15–13, 15–12
1 2003 Malaysia Satellite Malaysia Kuan Beng Hong 15–7, 15–9
2 2003 Asian Satellite Malaysia Yeoh Kay Bin 5–15, 13–15
2 2003 Malaysia Open People's Republic of China Chen Hong 9–15, 5–15

12.Advice for beginner and intermediate players
Ans-Said Directly By Lee-
  Well, my advice to them is to focus on their studies if possible.  Like me, part of the reason that I chose to play badminton as a profession is because I don't like to study. Of course now I have some success to show but the road to success is really hard.

As you know, they are so many badminton players in Malaysia and to be chosen out of the many thousands and even millions of people is not an easy feat. Talent is needed but that alone will not bring you success. Dedication, perseverance and self discipline are must haves as well. So really, my advice for young aspiring badminton players is to focus on their studies if got a chance to do so.

pradeep sheoran